Telos Tarot of 777
Telos Tarot of 777: A groundbreaking talismanic tarot by M.M. Meleen
Telos Tarot of 777 is a tarot of astrological magic, ritually created with intent over a 4 year period using astrological timings and the magical descriptions of the decans per 777. Telos Tarot of 777 is a game changer for talismanic and magical tarot purposes.Telos Tarot of 777 won for Best Deck Release of 2024 in the World Divination Awards. The first edition is still available on, but going fast.

Telos: a term meaning the highest end, goal, or ultimate inherent purpose of a thing. The telos of a thing, or a person, is what it was made for and what it does when it fulfills its full potential. May it help you manifest yours!
What is the telos of tarot?Self knowledge: Know thyself
Forecasting: Know the future
Talismanic magick: Create and change yourself and your futureTelos Tarot of 777: Know yourself and your future, and change your destiny with the power. Magick is the art of causing change in accordance with Will. Telos Tarot of 777 is a tool to help you reach your full potential through the power of talismanic astrological magick.
80 cards, traditional foil both sides, numbered signature card, satin lined hard cover two part altar box with Stele of Revealing, 120 page bound book of meanings and instructions for usage in the talismanic arts included
By M.M. Meleen, creator of tabula mundi, rosetta, and pharos tarots
Hand painted with acrylic, ink, and colored pencil
Every card made ceremonially at the appropriate astrological time and exactly following magical descriptions per 777
Each was painted using the corresponding colors from the Golden Dawn color scales for extra magical resonance

Created during Scorpio season
Correct design of Tarot Trump per 777: "A skeleton with a scythe mowing men. The scythe handle is a Tau."

Created during Libra decan II
Libra II decan is Saturn ruled
Magical description of the decan: "A man, dark, yet delicious of countenance"

Created during Scorpio decan III
Scorpio III decan is Venus ruled
Magical description of the decan per 777:
"A horse and a wolf"
About Telos Tarot of 777 and why you want it
Unique among decks
In a world of many tarots, Telos Tarot of 777 is the first and only deck of its kind

A deck that breaks new ground
*every card created in ritual during its corresponding astrological timing
* first true tarot deck created both following the "magical descriptions of the decans", also known as the 36 faces, and reconciling them to traditional tarot minors in imagery and meaning
* every minor card ceremonially created during its astrologically corresponding decan
* first deck to follow all of the Golden Dawn based "correct designs of the tarot trumps" per Crowley's 777
* every major card ritually created during appropriate astrological timings
* court cards closely follow the descriptions in Book T
* court cards ceremonially created during the two of their three decans that match their suit element
* handpainted with traditional art materia (acrylic, ink, colored pencil)
* no AI used for any part, not digitally created or manipulatedWinner Best Deck Release 2024 World Divination Association Award
Created by M.M. Meleen
Telos Tarot of 777 was created by M.M. Meleen, a self-taught artist and accomplished occultist with decades of experience working with esoteric symbolism and the deities of tarot. Other works by M.M. Meleen include Tabula Mundi, Rosetta Tarot, Pharos Tarot, and the guidebooks Book M: Liber Mundi, Book of Seshet, and Spectrum Fari, as well as co-authoring Llewellyn's Tarot Deciphered and co-creating the Fortune's Wheelhouse esoteric tarot podcast, which is currently freely available at all podcast places. These works speak for themselves so check them out!Voters agree as Telos Tarot of 777 won Best Deck Release of 2024 in the World Divination Association Awards voting.What comes next?
M.M. Meleen is working on a comprehensive guidebook about this deck, the astrological decans, and the talismanic arts. Coming in late 2025!

Fully funded on Kickstarter and available at
Images and text © M.M. Meleen 2024. All rights reserved.